the sooty water running in the streets. and then as the mop-up began, the word flashed out like something electric. the house was occupied. someone didn't get out. and up through the ashes, a mystery flared like a stubborn ember that glowed and smoldered and demanded an answer. the inhabitants of the rented cottage, as investigators soon learned, were two young, beautiful people. the successful glossy types that you might expect to see on a reality show. their names are paul zumot and jennifer schipsi. jennifer, an ambitious, award-winning real estate agent who lived like a rock star, or so said her buddy roy. >> she's like, i'm knocking them out like dominos. i just worked out, went to starbucks and on my way to a meeting, and it's only 6:33. >> so paul seemed to be the right kind of guy for jennifer, said roy.