he does not have to know that the russians -- that gucifer was a russian agent to have criminal liability for these cases. what's alleged in this case is illegal access, hacking to a computer and stealing information worth more than $5,000. that is irregardless whether the person is roam yanen russian or whomever ever. the fact i participates is criminal liability. >> okay. >> very interestingly is i think the $5,000 allegation -- there is also another charge of receiving stolen property worth over $5,000 that a lot of the people could be liable for as well. >> liam brennan, liz holstman thank you for weighing in. i appreciate that. copping up next we talk about the timing of the indictment announcement and what that could mean for the tone of monday's meeting between the president and vladimir putin. (vo) why are subaru outback owners always smiling? because they've chosen the industry leader. subaru outback holds its value better than any other vehicle in its class, according to alg. better than rav4.