and to the extent the ultimate fact finder here is congress in an impeachment proceeding, then public opinion matters. and if he can poison the well through his tweets, maybe he sees it as being well served to do so and it may be an effective strategy. >> msnbc contributor, barbara mcquade, thank you so much on this sunday. >> thank you. productive or gangster like? what's behind the starkly different views of the same meetings between the u.s. and north korea? got legs of lumber and arms of steel ♪ ♪ he eats a bowl of hammers at every meal ♪ ♪ he holds your house in the palm of his hand ♪ ♪ he's your home and auto man ♪ big jim, he's got you covered ♪ ♪ great big jim, there ain't no other ♪ -so, this is covered, right? -yes, ma'am. take care of it for you right now. giddyup! hi! this is jamie. we need some help. alright guys let's go! let's do this directions to the greek theater (beep) ♪can i get a connection?