this is from the official white house account, now, taxpayer-supported, why are you supporting criminals moving weapons, drugs, and victims across the nation's borders? you must not know what i.c.e. really does. here is a link to help you out. and against senator harris, why are you supporting the animals of ms-13, you must not know what i.c.e. really does, here is a link to help you out. both are false statements, first of all. but they are egregiously political statements. karen, the use of the official white house twitter account, that's tax dollars, coming out of the white house. >> it is. there's a real difference, we've certainly seen this exact kind of language out of donald trump's personal twitter account. but the white house twitter account is a government resource. that twitter account belongs not to donald trump. it belongs to all of us. and if there was any sort of