>> i wanted to know more about their marriage and what's been going on between them the past year. >> reporter: he knew the major event in their marriage in the past year was heather's dramatic physical change. but friends and family said it was about so much more than just dropping pant sizes. as heather lost the weight, she gained a whole new outlook on life. >> she was kind of quiet and reserved back then when i very first met her. and to see that contrast from then until where she decided, "i'm going to make some healthy decisions in my life." i mean the butterfly description with her is a great description. just her coming out of her shell and becoming who she was created to be, you know? and you could see that transformation. >> reporter: in all different aspects of her life? >> yes. >> reporter: her cousin diane explained that once heather the butterfly started spreading her wings, she felt that just like her old clothes, her husband chris wasn't fitting anymore. he was not really part of -- >> exactly. >> reporter: -- the new life?