heard he was obsessed with the sexual contacts he had made outside his marriage. a parade of women took the stand. a woman ross said he was in love with, another woman he met at his home. >> we had sex. >> and a prostitute. >> did you actually engage in sexual acts with him back in may. >> yes, on three different occasions. >> this is one of the six women ross was communicating with on the day he says he forgot about cooper. >> at 5:26 a.m., within 17 seconds of your messages, did he respond? >> he did. >> did you have to consider the fact maybe all of these women were causing a distraction for ross which led to what happened versus that the women were actually a motive? >> no, absolutely. but when you look closely at the content of the messages and what's going back and forth, and specifically you are trying to prove to a jury this person had the intent in his mind to kill a child, you have to get to know that person. you have to get to know what they're made of.