allowed to sit inside the courtroom until the very end. >> as much as i could i went between classes for the rest of it. >> how did he seem? how was he putting up with it sf. >> some days were harder than others. some days he seemed good. >> the evidence seemed to support domestic violence. play that tape of gene tan calling the cops two weeks before the shooting. >> hi, my name is gene tan, and my husband beats me up, and i need your protection. >> are you injured? >> yes. he choke me, and i'm so scared. >> defense attorney james noland thought the 911 recording spoke volumes about that house. >> it was almost as if we were put in the hell that charlie lived in for a brief moment and the hell that gene lived in for a brief moment. >> and they kept piling on. jim tan, continued the defense, wasn't just a bully at home. his employees testified about the abuse they, too, enkoushtcod