these bills passed tomorrow. is that why he tried to get this out of the way to see if he could have a better shot at passing one bill in the house? >> i try to stay out of president's head, chuck, but i think there is a feeling wrong republican lawmakers now that this now gives them something to vote for. they feel like if they vote for one of these two bills, likely the leadership bill, this compromise bill it gives them a pathway out of this. look they can say we are helping the president with a priority of his, helping end this border separation never mind who may have started it that the president may have started it essentially with this policy but it does give republicans who may not have otherwise felt strongly about this issue or may have been concerned that the president might roll back on them or their base might accuse them of voting for amnesty can say we voted for this because we see these separations as an issue. but that might not be enough. the house tins to have the two bills as moving targets.