calls all day about the process families might go through to be reunited. what have you learned and do you have any information to pass along for our viewers? >> so, i think it will be a difficult process. i.c.e. will have to come up with some mechanism for reuniting families, for bringing children who have now been put throughout the united states, finding their parents, many of them now in foreign countries with language difficulties together. and to put it kindly, i.c.e. is going to have to build that airplane while they're flying it. these will be difficult pictures to put back together much like what happened in europe at the end of world war ii where displaced people were all over with no clear plan in place to put them together again. i don't think we're much better off than that. and the problem is attorney general sessions wandered into this policy without thinking in advance and without preparing i.c.e. and d.o.j. agencies for how they would reunify the children with their families. it's almost as though no thought was given to that in advance.