wildly between extremes. one second he's threatening fire and fury and amping up tensions and the second he's lavishing with praise. and you can naturally go down the middle once in a while and just keep it clean, which he doesn't do. he wants to be over the top at all times. but i saw those numbers. my first thought was a depressing thought, which is a good chunk of the country is always with the president or always kind of against him, and what we report on doesn't matter sometimes. it's a depressing thought, but it's probably true. >> trump also spoke to reporters shortly before his former campaign chairman paul manafort appeared in court this morning. he said he felt badly for manafort and other associates who were being investigated or pleaded guilty in the russia probe, he also singled out michael flynn and made reference to his longtime attorney and fixer michael cohen. >> i don't think it's right. i don't think it's right that they burst into a lawyer's office on a weekend early in the morning. i never heard of that before. now, i feel badly for a lot of those people. i feel badly for general flynn.