working on, china investing in the u.s. and in many cases those investments could undercut american jobs. we need a test, if you will, of chinese investments here that ultimately leads to american jobs, not more profits for chinese-owned companies. >> i've been to ohio. i don't know it as well as you do. you represent the state. but you've got farmers in ohio that export products to china. you've got manufacturers that buy steel from other places. right? there's two sides of the ledger, right? you've got the factories in mansfield, steel that you want to help, but if you start getting tariffs on exported soy and things like that that's going to hurt some folks in your state. >> 20 years ago during the pntr debates with china the number that we arrived at, there were about 100 million unemployed chinese workers and no authoritarian or democratic government wants a bunch -- wants millions of young men running around the countryside unemployed. so china puts them to work, by substance dyeding their energy and their land and their capital. in many cases they're government