of the central south dakota overnight and a new round of storms, only half a million people at risk and hopefully storms out over the open plains and not hitting anyone, but these are some of the towns in the enhanced risk. maybe liisolated tornado. the best day of the weekend is today for new york city, philadelphia, washington, d.c., baltimore to richmond and even areas of eastern north carolina. so enjoy it if you can outdoors for lunch. humidity is low and temperatures are finally a little warmer. still hotter than we'd like throughout the middle of the country. we start to see that stormy weather. sliding through the ohio valley and through the mid-atlantic region, hit and miss showers in the afternoon, could be rainy if you have any beach plans. still hot in the middle of the country and if you're wondering about the belmont. justify, can he get the job done? 77 degrees. we've taken rain out of the