new york times." but something important happened after the justice department did under eric holder who the is attorney general. president department recognized that they had gone too far and put in place a series of regulations that are supposed to prevent this from happening without the justice department going to the media organization and trying to negotiate some sort of a accommodation in advance. and it is obvious that didn't happen in this case. what's supposed to happen under the new regulations is that the justice department before it subpoenas a reporter as information -- because this is important. this is different from subpoenaing a reporter's testimony. the reporter doesn't know if you've gotten the emails or gone and gotten phone records. they have no ability to go to court to block it. >> roo it. >> the justice department under holder put in new regulation that is would allow for some kind of negotiation between the media the outlet and the justice department and give the media outlet the opportunity to go to court to try to -- try to block the justice department from seizing the records. it appears that ins this case