arising out of the unauthorized disclosure of information." we did not know what that was about. senate republicans and democrats, though, agreeing unanimously that their intelligence committee should give documents, documents in the possession of its intelligence committee, to the justice department as part of a pending investigation. so all through late last night and through most of the day today, details were in short supply and speculation was in rich supply. now tonight we are starting to get another part of this story. just within the last few minutes "the new york times" has reported that a reporter, a "new york times" national security reporter, has had her phone and e-mail records seized unbeknownst to her. previously -- she knows now, but she didn't know when they were seized. seized as part of that investigation into a leak from the senate intelligence committee. senator ron wyden is the top democrat on the senate finance committee. he's also a member of the senate intelligence committee. i am assuming that he will not be able to talk to us about this matter, but i am going to ask him anyway.