investigating. and this really is important. because there are leaks, i would argue, that are important -- leaks that do compromise national security that should be investigated and at times people should be prosecuted for those leaks. but then there are other leaks that just embarrass the administration. they're not leaks that actually compromise national security but they embarrass the president. and we now president trump has been outraged by some of those leaks. he's been outraged by leaks of conversations he's had with foreign leaders. and he's wanted the justice department to go after the people responsible for those leaks and hold them accountable. so i think we still need to know what this leak was before we're able to answer is this an appropriate investigation. i'm leaving aside whether some of these tactics are appropriate or not. but whether the investigation itself is appropriate or whether it looks like retaliation. >> one last question for you, matt. if as you say under attorney general eric holder there were new regulations put in place so that reporters would be protected from intrusive searches like, this basically as a way of protecting the freedom of the press, there would be as