i will say on this issue, this is the second day that josh dossey put that question to sarah sanders and others in the briefing room have as well. i think people who watch those briefings can step back and objectively take away that she cannot answer a simple question about whether a statement that she made months ago that has since been contradicted by the president's outside attorneys is accurate, whether or not this taxpayer funded spokesperson who speaks for the president at the white house is telling the truth. that's an essential question about her credibility. and yet because we're living through this era in which the president is engaged in a war on the press and a war many say on truth, the truth has become so tribalized that a lot of people see her response, and they watch for that. they like her hitting back at josh dossey, and april ryan. and this is all increasingly subjective, the takeaways from that briefing. but i do think at the end of the day when you go into that briefing room and you see the briefings getting shorter and shorter, you can take from that that this is a white house