intel. catherine lucey is back with us, white house reporter for the associated press. and also brian bennett returns to the broadcast, senior white house correspondent for "time" magazine. good evening and welcome to you all. jeremy, i'm going to begin with you. is it still your -- first of all, what's going on here? subset question one, is it still your contention that getting talks at all with the american president is baseline victory for the north? and when the president talks about these talks maybe not being over in one session, maybe several, maybe weeks, is that the kind of talks that should precede presidents sitting down at the table? >> it's become clear today, brian, if it wasn't clear before, that our president is an enormously ineffective negotiator. he has made massive concessions even on the road to singapore, putting aside what he's actually going to give up at the table -- across the table from kim jong-un. so first, brian, he's caved twice on the idea of the summit, first accepting the invitation outright initially without any