that was a look at the new hbo documentary, john mccain for whom the bell tolls. it premieres tomorrow night memorial day at 8:00 eastern. and joining me now is the codirector of that film and emmy award winning producer and film maker teddy k unh art. thank you for taking the time to be with us tonight. first i want to say congratulations on a beautiful film. i had a chance to see it at the capital when you screened it for mccain's colleagues. i want to show you a little bit of the interview that you did where john mccain is really reflecting on -- you can tell that he understands that he is reaching the end of his life, has been told that. let's take a look and then i'll talk to you about it. >> okay. >> you know these doctors keep talking to me about people who keep telling the truth and then they just give up and die. that you really want -- i keep