whiplash diplomacy and the peace train has left the station. it's so heartening to see that the two korean leaders are proceeding to try to end the war. >> joe, you know, on the one hand we had fun with this coin donald trump created, but on the one hand you have the trump administration wanting full credit for any progress toward peace on the korean peninsula. full credit. on the other hand, it is the trump administration that seems to be the biggest impediment to getting a peace deal, even a summit. they seem to be in the way. three items -- the washington post to christine's point, about john bolton who has always had this extremely hawkish attitude toward pretty much the planet, but particularly toward north korea. john bolton, the new yasnationa security adviser said the threatening language was a bad sign. that the president told advisers he was concerned kim was maneuvering to back out of the summit and make americans look like desperate suitors because