>> did you throw her off the -- >> no, i did not. i did not. i didn't hurt jody. i didn't push her. i didn't cause her to get hurt. i didn't kill my wife. >> we talked to stephen at the bergen county jail where he would held for more than two years after his arrest in 2008. he and his wife, tina, say they've paid a high price for something he didn't do. >> we visit through a piece of plate glass. our daughter is 2 and a half and has still never been held by her father because we don't have contact visits. >> it's not just a tragedy for jody. it's a tragedy for john. it's a tragedy for my wife and for my daughter and for myself. >> still, heecided not to take the stand in his own defense. but told dateline that what he first said years ago about his wife's death was the truth. >> i wish it didn't happen. i wish we had gone to the comedy