of international diplomacy, the concern is raised about does the president want it too much in a way that might affect the deal in a negative way, that might cloud judgment. when reagan was president, i remember some hard-liners in his party were saying, you know, don't be too desperate to make a deal with the soviets. the republicans against obama a few years ago with the iran deal says he was too eager to do that. how does that enter into it, trump's desire, his strong desire to be seen as succeeding where his predecessors failed? >> well, i think that's the overwhelming conclusion just from the last 24 hours of head-spinning, on again, off again romance. the white house was very eager to let us know yesterday that that very strangely and very undiplomatically letter to kim had been dictated personally by president trump himself. and so then to turn around on a dime not because of any policy change on the part of the north koreans, i think it's important to emphasize that, but simply because donald trump said, as he told us this morning in his remarks before he got on the