john kelly rereported this morning has signed off on that overhaul and the white house official told me that thirngss still very much fluid, still kind of up in the air this morning. but at the moment the plan looks like it will be flushing out some junior and mid-level aides, the senior people, the people you see on tv every day are most likely going to stay. those people have won the president's affection, obviously. he's betting this is one way to sort of if not stop then stonch some of the leaks. but it isn't clear that the leaks aren't just coming from the communication shop, there are people you'll over the administration that leak and this isn't going to stop that. >> andrew, including inside the oval office there's no small irony. they're look at junior and mid-level staffers when the president we know is on the phone with his friends regularly talking about stuff that's happening inside the white house. andrew, take it away? >>? >> reporter: yeah, exactly. the president talked to any number of a dozen or so people every week and that information goes right back to reporters pretty quickly. could you make the dais case