the question from everyone, including the president is where does this go next? will the president be stated? could he be? would he ultimately talk to robert mueller? if he doesn't will he face a grand jury subpoena. no surprise the president tweeted his disgust already today. also worth remembering so far 19 people and three russian companies have either been indicted or pled guilty to criminal charges, including four people who worked for team trump. the investigation has also helped reveal information we may never have known like that payment to stormy daniels and potentially other women as well. we heard about that today. what exactly happened at the trump tower meeting and just how deeply involved the russians were in wanting president trump in the white house. to talk more about all of it i'm joined by jennifer ruben, who is also on msnbc contrbor and wrote recently about this. mimi rocha from the southern district of new york. and a legal analyst. we have new reporting at nbc

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President ,On Robert Mueller ,Question ,Everyone ,Grand Jury Subpoena ,Disgust ,Surprise ,People ,Team Trump ,Mueller Probe ,Russian ,Reveal Information ,Companies ,Charges ,Worth Remembering ,19 ,Three ,Four ,Trump Tower Meeting ,It ,Wall ,Women ,Stormy Daniels ,Russians ,White House ,Trump ,Payment ,Reporting ,Jennifer Ruben ,Nbc News ,Amimi Rocha ,Analyst ,Msnbc Contrbor ,Southern District Of New York ,

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