jui apologize, just go out and apologize, and he refused to apologize, he did not back down, and then he saw the support build up underneath him of people who supported him not backing down. we saw the same thing about charlottesville which you mentioned again. this white house does not apologize. i do not have any reporting to indicate that someone is telling kelly sadler not to apologize on this one. but it is just one thing we have not seen out of this white house. we've seen a lot, is an apology about anything ever. >> what's the math here? how is this a winning strategy and to whom? >> it's not. it's just a donald trump strategy. look, kelly sadler -- >> but kelly's not his hand maiden. she could say, great, you don't say sorry, but i do. >> listen, kelly sadler should publicly apologize so her kids see what a mother does in a moment of personal failing. so the nation sees you can say something stupid, but a popolog,