the advantage of having somebody who has come up through operations be in charge of the agency would be that they actually understand how things work and don't work, as opposed to having somebody up there authorize things that are clearly ridiculous. >> but, cynthia, just for one second just to push back because you also had career people in cia who knew how things work who were able to be pushed around by the political appointees in the pentagon of the bush administration and told to produce intelligence that would allow the american people to believe saddam hussein had been involved in 9/11 which was not true. >> absolutely. >> why would you want somebody who is that compliant to run an agency as powerful and dangerous as the cia? >> right, and that's the thing, i wouldn't want someone who is that client in charge. that's what i mean by what is her -- you know, having gone through this experience, what is her thinking about where she would draw a line in the future? would she just be kploo int because an order is apparently legal or would she push back at

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