reason that you're basically purchasing this from the government. >> it's like a return on investment. >> the best return on investment. >> even for a guy in the casino business. $10 million and gets $670 million back. he has decided to invest three times as much so the republican congress will give hmm three times as much back. >> i thought norm coleman asked too low. you're up 670 in the quarter. cut us 100 here? we'll take half. >> there's nothing new about this. we've got a long, long, long history of it. the real problem is that we've opened the spigots with the citizens united case with the supreme court which unfortunately made a bad situation worse in terms of unfettered corporate spending to get candidates selected. >> and concentrated in the hands of the very rich lahnee. there is an argument that in some ways everyone is spending way too little. sheldon adelson is the perfect