credentials. >> you are and so you're clearly sitting them asking them right now. >> and out with a statement criticizing the president's tweet writing in part, just because the president does not like news coverage does not make it fake. a free press must be able to report on the good, the bad and the mundane without fear or favor and a president preventing a free and independent press would be unconscionable assault on the first amendment. >> very important point there. let's switch gears for a moment and bring in bill karins with a check on our weather. how's it looking? >> we're coming to an end to the great stretch in the northeast but it's been three or four days in a row. thunderstorms will roll through, so if you have airport plans today, d.c., philadelphia, baltimore, new york and maybe even richmond there will be a period where there will be some holds on the runways as the thunderstorms move through. keep that in mind for the afternoon. the first line round one which brought some severe weather yesterday is now blowing through ohio, not a lot of lightning