talking with different casinos, he had lost a significant amount of money in the tune of $80,000 to $90,000 in his play in the last year. >> that was not the worst of it. not even close. by march of 2008 when the murders happened, real estate in california was huffing and puffing on its race to the bottom. and six months before that ernie the son wanted to buy a house in the city of brea in california but couldn't get a loan. banks not so sanguine anymore about the security of a poker player's income. so he borrowed the money from ernest the father, $616,000. but then real estate started tanking, so father ernest asked son ernie to go to a bank, refinance, pay back his loan. and ernie couldn't. >> he was frantic trying to refinance his home. >> and at the time that they were killed, he had missed a mortgage payment to his parents for the first time. >> so this is approaching some