indiscriminately pay anybody apparently who had, you know, negative or damaging information on mr. trump prior to the election. so, again, it goes to the federal election law violation. he's trying to sort of, in an effort to get himself out of issues, he's just sort of muddying the waters and making more issues for him. >> you know, in a weird way, annie, and i don't want to get off color here, if trump's telling the truth, which no one here believes, that he pays this fixer to fix all problems, gives him a ton of money. what happens if he gets in more trouble than $130,000 apiece? what if you get a bubble of costs? is this guy supposed to cover that or does it have to come out of his $35,000 a month? >> this is part of his argument, chris, is part of the giuliani argument is hey, look, this happens all the time. this has nothing to do with an election. we're constantly paying people off. >> so there's always a woman in question who is pounding them for money or else -- this is saying he's a sleaze, and i got