prosecutors have the financial paper trail of these transactions and know who paid what. so to speculate for a second, you can imagine if they know where the money is coming from and it is obviously coming from the president, that lays out this campaign finance problem which ken was talking about. so i think that rudy was trying to clean it up but made a second problem in cleaning it up. it just goes to show you how tangled this web is. >> are you saying that the intent perhaps was to acknowledge that the payment was made, that donald trump had made the payment, but not to take that extra piece and say -- it was a week before the election, what were we going to do? >> exactly. he is trying to cage it and say, okay, yes, the president made this payment, he paid for it but it was not related to the election. i think that was the effort that was going on here. you can see from the first day of coverage that they thought that that was going to cleaver th clear them on the election law violation. then of course it opened up this other pandora's box. >> what do you make of the