that was before the early april raids on cohen's apartment. that threw everything up in the air, brian. we reported after that the president did not want to sit down for an interview, and he brought in a new legal team. he got rid of john dowd. he brought in rudy giuliani. and what we understand now from our reporting just today is that this new legal team is still trying to sort of get a hold of all of the pieces. they're reviewing documents. they can't come in cold and expect to know everything that the last legal team took months to understand. so there's a new path here. there could be new negotiations. there could be new questions that have come up for mueller over the last month or two. now giuliani will be reviewing those. from what we understand, a lot of the concern has shifted away from exactly what mueller wants to ask and into what might be coming out of these new york raids. if there's new information that cohen could have exposed to mueller that could then be on his radar, which would be separate from the questions that