turned on a dime because barrack obama did and that's all it took. all the arguing in the world didn't work. >> that's how my mother changed. that's how my mother changed. we were atmore's at a brunch. because he had that interview with robin roberts it shall oh, yeah. where he announced he was for marriage equality and i asked my mother, who is a born again christian, by the way. i asked her, i said what do you make of what president obama did? and i explained to her and she said oh, i think, i'm with the president. i'm with the president. it's unfair. and then my mother argued back to me all these things that i had wanted to hear for a long time. how it was unfair for family members to just swoop in and take things away from a couple that's been together. how they should be protected by law. that was the power of one man to