that he might be guilty. we saw the other day on twitter that the president was talking about whether michael cohen could flip and arguing that he doesn't think that cohen would flip. well, if co-hundred doesn't have any incriminating evidence about the president, what is there for him to flip about? there's no leverage there. so he just -- he casts himself in this way that's very unusual. but as joyce advance vance -- iy interviewed her, and she pointed out that this is behavior that's reminiscent oof a lot of criminal defendants she's encountered. >> i noticed that and took near parental joy in seeing joyce's quote in the body of your piece. it was fantastic. julia, i have a dramatic reading for you to react to. this is "the washington post" reporting. let's call this segment meet the raskins. quote, trump hired the raskins after meeting them for the first time. the decision was overshadowed by the simultaneous announcement that formaler new york city mayor rudolph w. giuliani would also join the team and take the