aside and focus, especially if he had no relationship as he claimed, and focus on putting the country first. >> what do you, howard, think avenatti's end game is? you talk about having respect for him, not wanting to be on the other side of a courtroom, doing battle against him. the fact he talks about the president resigning, that's political. that has nothing to do with stormy daniels. >> it is political. you know, obviously i think some reputation building is going on here. i've been thinking about this, this week. the only guy that knows how to handle trump in this country is jeff bezos. trump went crazy, foaming at the mouth on twitter about bezos. bezos has not responded to him at all. the only guy with dignity in this whole mess is bezos. the rest of them are all down in the gutter playing who knows what. it's just ridiculous. >> what about -- >> and susan is exactly right. why aren't we talking about north korea? that's serious. and that's actually something i hope trump succeeds in, although i think he's so incompetent, i have my doubts. >> well, i hope you were listening to the segment just