histories of kind of comments in the public record, anyone would think it was comey telling the truth. now we see these confirm that what he said in his senate intelligence committee testimony is what happened in realtime he recorded in these memos. i also think it stands out that not only was the president always obsessed with the more salacious aspects of the dossier, but that he was really obsessed with andrew mccabe from the beginning. he brought it up repeatedly with jim comey in the same sense he still brings it up repeatedly today and continues to demand on twitter that andrew mccabe be jailed. it's kind of inappropriate to see the president bring that up over and over again in private and you can tell that he hasn't let go of that obsession still today a year and a half later. >> yeah, if you -- i'm just looking through at part of the memos and comey writes the president asks whether my deputy andrew mccabe had a problem with him in recounting how hard he'd