russia. i have nothing to do with russia. everybody knows it. that was a democrat hoax. >> described investigators as 13 hardened democrats. some big crooked hillary supporters, and zero republicans. >> zero republicans except for the two men in charge of the whole probe, one of them appointed by trump. my next guest says this kind of misleading material is the whole point. tony schwartz co-authored "the art of the deal" and says trump is using the attacks not by appealing to truth or logic, but by appealing to voter fantasies. it's describing in "the art of the deal." the final key to the way i promote is bravado. i play to people's fantasies, i call it truthful hyperbole. mr. schwartz arguing that trump's approach works because of a phenomena known as confirmation bias. i'm joined by tony schwartz, who is also the author of "the way we're working isn't working" and