can't go on twitter. even to use the word pundit with sean hannity -- he's -- whether you like him or not, he's more than that now, right? he has been the biggest public advocate, possibly, for the president on mainstream television. >> he is certainly one of the biggest. but he is also still technically a pundit. i mean, if you went to the executives at fox news and asked them about their independence from the trump administration, i dare say you would get some pushback. and even though he is a supporter of the president, at the very least, viewers should know that he shares a lawyer with the president so that people can judge what he is saying accurately and decide for themselves how independent he is and how independent his analyses are. as a media critic that's the one thing that troubles me, there has been no disclosure and people don't know when he is talking how close he is actually equity canned to donald trump. >> rebecca ball house from the