convincing evidence to believe that michelle hadley was the person who was sending the emails. >> reporter: a judge ordered michelle to cease all contact with angela and ian. but the emails continued. june 6th: "you will pay for this. i hope to god you are ready for the pain i will show you." then this: "burn in the fiery pits of hell tonight, as by god's law. you will be hurt." three weeks after the restraining order was filed, police returned to michelle's parents' house. >> they have a search warrant for my devices. and so i hand all my devices over, i give them all the pass codes. and he opens up my cell phone. >> reporter: the officer looked through her email account. checked the activity there. then arrested michelle for violating the restraining order. >> i heard doors slamming out in front. and i went out in the front and i said, "what's going on out here?" and the guy said, "we just arrested michelle." >> reporter: arrested your michelle? >> yes. >> reporter: she was placed in a

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