would be submitting to comey and saying you are stronger than me, i can't talk to you. that's what would be going on there. >> that would be it. with us we have white house reporter for the associated press jonathan la mere who read the james comey book. >> thank you. i went to a good school, i was able to read the book. >> donny deutsch is with us and in washington national political reporter for nbc news carol lee who has the big scoop this morning about the brewing obstruction of justice case robert mueller is building. monday morning's raid on president trump's personal attorney has white house allies on edge and up -- and upended the delicate negotiations with the mueller probe. last night the "washington post" reported that trump's allies worry that federal investigators may have seized recordings made made by michael cohen. quote, cohen who served for a decade as a lawyer at the trump organization and is a close confidant was known to store the conversations using digital files and then replay them for