pivoted from mueller to deputy attorney general rosenstein. nobody asked. the president just brought him up. that was no coincidence. according to "the new york times" reporting the president's tirade last night copied in private at the white house as he fumed whether he should fire rosenstein before the times broke the news today it was rosenstein himself who was the one who personally signed off on the decision to raid cohen's office. mike the schmidt is one of the reporter who's broke that story as well as tonight's breaking news the president sought to fire mueller a second time in december. michael, i'm trying to get a clearer sense of what exactly happened in december as your reporting indicates? into there were several reports at the time that a -- there was a mueller subpoena that had been sent to deutsche bank for records directly related to trump. now, if you remember, trump talked last summer about a so-called red line, an area that he said mueller should not be looking at.