but there is another growing demographic of americans who are also running, veterans. lieutenant colonel maimy mcgrath checks both of those boxes. she was, in fact, the first female marine to fly an f-18 fighter jet on a combat mission. and she went on to fly 89 of them in both iraq and afghanistan. now she's running for a seat in kentucky's 6th congressional district against republican incumbent andy barr and fellow democrat and mayor of lexington, jim gray. amy mcgrath joins me now live from lexington. lieutenant colonel, thank you so much for being here. i really appreciate it. >> it's great to be here tonight. >> after reading through your biography there, i have to ask, what did you learn, the marine corps is a pretty male dominated institution. what did you learn in the marine corps that will help you in trump's washington? >> persistence and, you know, speaking truth to power. i think that, you know,