photos on line that project a perfect image of themselves. what we've found with confidence is the way you grow your confidence is by doing things that are tough and new and hard. by taking risks, getting outside your comfort zone. some of that means failing sometimes. if you're always obsessed with being perfect, you're never prepared to fail. that's what the data and research is showing us, that girls are terrified of failing because they want to be perfect. you're never going to get confident that way. i think social media is contributing. we launched actually with instagram, we paid up and launched a campaign," capture confidence." i think 700,000 girls now have posted pictures doing things, not being perfect, not being sexy, not being photo shopped, but doing things that make them feel confident. >> i am so proud of you for this book. >> thank you. >> that is awesome. thank you very much, katty kay. it is "the confidence code: this time for girls." appreciate it. feeling heat and fighting for his job. what happened during scott pruitt's oval office meeting?