the daily beast reported today that, quote, hart was personally representing a natural gas company and airline giant and a major manufacturer that had business before the agency at the time he was also renting out a room to pruitt. and that one of his clients is currently battling the epa in court over an order to pay more than $100 million in environmental cleanup costs. according to the "washington post", the white house has instructed pruitt not to participate in interviews, even with friendly media outlets like fox, but pruitt ignored that advice. a move that likely did not endear him to his boss. >> you said some pretty tough stuff. you said about the president, quote, this is in 2016, "i think he's an empty vessel when it comes to things like the constitution and rule of law. you said that about donald trump. >> look, i was misinformed. >> "the post" reported that the white house does not find pruitt's excuses credible,