you. and i hope we end up getting to read your warrant. i think we're both on the same page about that. >> i hope so. there's some talk about late july even doj is kind of talking about that. there's been some reporting. >> you can come back and we can go through it together. good to see. >> you great to see you, chris. >> ahead, did president trump's lawyer's lawyer just make things a whole lot worse for himself and his client? that story ahead. [cars honking] [car accelerating] you can switch and save worry. ♪ you can switch and save hassle. [vacuuming sound] and when you switch to esurance, you can save time, worry, hassle and yup, money. in fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved hundreds. so you might want to think about pulling the ol' switcheroo. that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call.