information. they want access to the trump organization's books to see whether there's other things that they've missed, but just citing what's already been in the press they found those few examples. >> a great line in that from the judge there about paula page living large at the trump hotel. david farenthold, thank you very much. he's with the washington post. for more i want to bring one of the men suing the president, maryland attorney general brian frosh. let me ask you about the term emoluments. one of the big issues here is pinning down what exactly they are, what exactly this means. how big a deal is that definitional question going forward? >> well, it's going to be the next subject the judge takes up. we think it's very clear that president trump is violating the emoluments clauses. the foreign emoluments clause says he can't receive any present ee monument of any kind, it's very broad, from a foreign state. he's getting payments from china and india and afghanistan,