night. >> i think they're smart about that. >> hold on, you think they're smart about that? you think if the average person with a facebook account sat down right now with a tech person, they would understand what the privacy settings were? they would truly understand all the information they're letting out there? i think the answer's no. >> that's a different question too. the other question is will they understand what comes from, you know, vladimir's russian blog and what comes from "the new york times" and which to trust? that's the question we have to figure out too, how we bring back the notion of authority into the conversation. >> quick, yes or no, do you believe facebook users know all the information they're giving away? >> all, no. but i also believe it's about sharing. they're sharing publicly with friends. it's not as if they're being stolen from them. >> they may not be comfortable with cambridge analytica or this story but they love looking up ex-boyfriends on facebook. i do too. great conversation. coming up, a surprising new