through which he's viewed mueller's moves, that he was nearing the end of the investigation. now we're starting to see potentially a little bit of frustration that hasn't panned out. and in fact, we're just seeing some aggressive investigative moves, like subpoenaing documents from the trump organization, that suggests the probe might even be expanding in scope. so maybe president trump is starting to express a little bit of that frustration on social media, because the word of his legal advisers is turning out to not be true. go ahead, erin. >> if i can add on that, i think it's less of a shift in strategy than it's just the president is losing team members around him. and there is chaos in the white house. there's starting to be that bit of a staff exodus. and i think it's just the president reacting and having people who will appease him around him. >> well, then, do you think, erin, that this is more about the president looking to fire mueller? is he just trying to undermine his credibility? because in the end, it's all about public opinion. and i find it rather curious that the president has never acknowledged robert mueller is a republican. >> he hasn't, that's right.