>> i went to russia to work on a transaction. the stock case happened in '96 which i did for about 18 months. i went to russia in '97. the -- what's been reported that i ran away because, that's not true. that's just not true. >> you go there and one of the things you do where all these different threads come together is you're working on trump moscow, right? >> no, no, no. we're now speaking about 1997. >> right, but i'm saying a person who have contacts in russia, you speak russian. later in your life you become a business partner with donald trump. you guys work on fort lauderdale. >> ft. lauderdale and phoenix, trump soho. a whole host of other projects. >> you end up working on trump moscow, an important project that produced the e-mails everyone knows about. it's the project a lot of people are curious about and i want to ask you about your involvement in that project and what happened to it if you would stick around after this break. will you do that. >> absolutely. >> all right. let's go.