really good boards are few and far between. and i think that's another issue is governance and governance is critically important with these companies, especially because they're risky. >> hey, co corporate america, iw some great women you can put on those boards. kara swisher of recode. coming up, a new link between the stormy daniels payoff and guess who, president trump. also this week, get your cowboy hat out. ali velshi and i will be at south by southwest this weekend for a special live edition of our weekend show, "velshi & rhule." you are not going to want to miss it. it's time for your business of the week. the unclaimed baggage center. the scotts boro, alabama business, is the only store in the u.s. that sells luggage lost by the airlines. you just never know what you'll find here after all of the bags have been unpacked. for more, watch "your business"