democrats by then if they win this november. a senate trial perhaps with his presidency hanging on it. and all this follows an exoneration by the house intelligence committee. how do these people in that committee look good? >> i don't think that they can. i don't think that what they're doing here stands up to the scrutiny comparing it to other reports, which is really a shame. because in the history of the committee, they've actually done a better job in the past. i worked on this committee. people take the job of intelligence oversight very seriously. >> 17 intelligence agencies say the russians tried to screw with our elections and these guys wouldn't even say that. >> that's right. and when you the oversight committee just dismiss out of hand the view of all these intelligence professionals, you lose a lot of credibility. that has the advantage of actually reading the mueller dimts, which apparently they didn't even do, then you have people coming up with very different conclusions than what you're seeing today. >> whoa do you think they're going after maggie haberman, who is a straight reporter. i knew her father. she has been a serious